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Rabbit Plains School

October 12, 1905 - North Vernon Banner Plain Dealer
Rabbit Plains Column

    The first annual reunion of the Rabbit Plains public school was held at the above named place on Saturday, Oct. 7th. Although the crowd was not a large one the day was very pleasant to those present. The program consisted of recitation by the scholars and songs by the choir which was assisted by Professor A. W. Waggoner. An address was given in the afternoon by the Hon. Wm. H. Guirl, of Indianapolis, he being a former pupil of the school. A call was given for the ex-teachers to give a talk and form a class. Collins Wildman was first he having taught seven terms in the sixties, thirteen of his pupils were present. Next came Dr. Wildman, he taught one term, ten of his pupils were present. Leland Shuck taught one term, twenty four scholars present. Miss Jessie the present teacher has twenty six scholars. There were many letters read from ex teachers and scholars. The last on the program was a solo by the little daughter of Joseph Stephenson, of Jeffersonville, he playing the accompaniment on the guitar. A motion was made by Hon. Wm. H. Guirl to make the reunion annual. The next meeting will be sometime the last of august 1906.

August 27, 1914

    A number of the pupils and teachers of Rabbit Plains Public School met in the grove at that place on last Saturday, Aug. 15, in their annual Reunion. A program consisting of songs and recitations was rendered. The singing was better than usual. Among those who sang well were Verle Hoffman and his twin sisters Velma and Virginia.
    All who were there seemed to enjoy themselves.
    A letter was received from M. R. Moran, Newport, Ky., saying that because of the sickness of his wife he was prevented from coming. Ed. Graham of Max, Ind., failed to appear but he was re-elected to office notwithstanding his absence.
    Jacob Wildman of Geary, Okla., according to reports was prevented from coming on account of business. Jake is County Commissioner of the county in which he resides and is a candidate for re-election. We are quite sure that Jacob Wildman is an honest and effecient county official.     Ed Graham is also candidate for an office. He will be elected Township Assessor. We know that Ed. will also make a good officer for he has an abundance of excellent material in him.
    The next reunion will be held on Saturday, Aug., 14, 1915. It will be an all-day meeting beginning at 10 A.M. Everyone will be gland to see those residing at a distance attend the Reunion.
    We were glad to see Jesse Custe who had not been at the Reunion for several years.
    Rabbit Plains school district is situated in the southeast corner of Jennings county. The school house is situated one mile north of the Jefferson county line and one half mile west of te Ripley county line.
    A committee consisting of Verd Graham, DUpont; Dr. Wildman, Butlerville and Charles W. Miles, of North Vernon; were appointed to prepare a directory containing the names and location of all pupils and teachers of Rabbit Plains school.
    Any one who will forward a list of names of the pupils who attended the school will recieve the thanks of the committee.
    No ex-pupil or teacher who resides at a distance need stay away from the next reunion for fear that they will not be fed for if Jennings county grows any thing at all it is something to eat. The fact is that many people in Jennings county have to much to eat.
    Come to the next Reunion. Come in the morning and spend the day talking to your old friends and schoolmates.
    A card was also received from Lester Sullivan, Palma, Texas. On the card was a photograph of the harvesting outfit used by Robert Sullivan and his sons in havesting their wheat crop of several hundred acres. The indications that Lester will return to Indiana some day and he may induce one of Indiana's fair daughters to return to the Lone Star tate with him.

August 26, 1920 - North Vernon Plain Dealer

    The former pupils and teachers of Rabbit Plains Public School assembled at that place on Saturday, August 21st, for the purpose of holding a reunion. A goodly number were present. The following are some of the persons who attended: Ben F. Wildman and his wife. Sarah and Willard Wildman of Wilmington, Ohio; Ed Graham, Lebanon, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Moran of Newport, Ky.; Jacob Wildman, Clayton, Ind.; Mrs. Lou Hudson Tatem, Kokomo, Ind.; Edgar Miles and wife and daughters and son-in-laws, of Bennington, Ind.; Ray Codrey and family, of Indianapolis, and Frank Griffin of Elizabethtown.
    The meeting was remarkable for the enjoyment of all present. It was a truly democratic gathering, the aristocrat and the proud were not there smiles were abundant, all were happy and glad to see their old friends.
    Letters were received from Mrs. Maggie Spry, Beaver Crossing, Nebraska; Ellet Guirl, Sullivan, Ind.; B. M. Guirl, Murphysboro, Ill.; and Jacob J. Eger, Pierceton, Ind.
    Collins Wildman was the teacher at Rabbit Plains form 1874 to 1872. Fifteen of his pupils were present, viz: Edgar Miles, Benjamin F. Wildman, Ed. Graham, M. R. Moran, Jabob WIldman, Mrs. Addie Johnston, Mary B. Anderson, Anna Graham, C. P. Cole, Lee COle, Frank Griffith and Charles W. Miles. After the above named group had their pictures taken M. R. Moran furnished ice cream for them at the stand which all appreciated.
    There was so much talking to be done that there was but little time for songs or recitations and as a result there were but two songs and no recitations.
The reunion was not only an opportunity to meet old friends but it furnished a demonstration of the effects of religious teaching upon the individual and the community for that neighborhood has always been a religious community and whatever success any one has in life depends in a great measure upon his religious training. Christian teaching is necessary as a forerunner of the teaching received in the public school. God is the great creative power and the instruction which we receive which brings us into close touch with the creative power will make us a factor and an instrument in the great work of making this a more beautiful world in a material way in in those things that make for culture and refinement. There is nothing that will do more for a community or city to promote progress in every way than the bringing of every individual to a closer touch with the Creator.

August 27, 1925 - Jennings County News
(By Chas. W. Miles)

    The school reunion at Rabbit Plains on Saturday, August 22, was well attended and was enjoyable occasion.
    A short program consisting of songs and a few recitations was rendered.
    George Stephenson, now of St. Louis, Mo., showed that he still possessed his old time ability in giving recitations. Little Miss Maxine Smith of Rushville recited the 23rd Psalm and led in the Lord's prayer. A small son of Mrs. Mamie Klein of Connersville gave a recitation and a few songs were sung by Mrs. Naomi Shlottman, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mrs. Mamie Klein and Mrs. Ethel Morris, formerly the Johnson girls. The singing was fine and was greatly appreciated by the audience. Mrs. Velmy Hoffman gave two fine recitations.
    Many declared that they had never enjoyed a meeting more and had never had greater pleasure in attending any meeting. It was good to meet friends who had been absent for years from their native hills. George Stephenson left the home where he had been raised forty years ago and this was his first visit. He was delighted. It is worth traveling a long distance to meet old friends.
    Those who had known them in years gone by rejoiced to meet Ben F. Wildman and his esteemed wife, Sarah, of Wilmington, Ohio.
    The following were present from a distance:
    Edgar Miles, Bennington, Ind.; Jacob Wildman, Clayton, Ind.; Mrs. Ernestine Smith, Rushville, Ind.; Mrs. Mamie Klein, Connersville, Ind.; S. A. Carson, Dayton, O.; Florence Wildman, Clayton, Ind.; Clarence Wildman, Clayton, Ind.; Jesse L. Custer, Bryantsburg, Ind.; F. R. Barnabay, pastor of the Grove City Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn; with his wife formerly Nida Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Rogers, Indianapolis; Kenneth Rogers, Indianapolis; Wilber Hand and wife, Volga, Ind.; Lewis and Frank Giddings Bloomington, Ind.; Ben Fewell, Ray Marlow and wife and Maud Fewell, of Bethany, Ill.; Philip Fewell, Miami, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephenson, Jeffersonville, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson, Howard Stephenson, Jeffersoville, Ind.; Mrs. Grace Willman, Osgood, Ind.; Mrs. Mabel Dykins, Anderson, Ind.; Mrs. Dessie Kern, Anderson, Ind.; Willard W. Wildman, Cleveland, O.; Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Wirt, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins, Greenfield Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Giddings, Franklin, Ind.
    The following officers were elected: C. P. Cole, president; Vard. Graham, vice president; Charles W. Miles, secretary and P. F. Shuck, treasurer.

August 31, 1950 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
Republican News

    On Sunday, August 20th 85 members of the Rabbit Plains School and their friends met at the Johnson farm for the 45th annual reunion. This was the largest number to attend for many years. A basket dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour.     The day was spent in visiting with old friends and discussing school days of the past and viewing old pictures dating back as far as 1911. A beautiful memorial was given by Mrs. Mamie Klein in memory of the following members who passed away during the year: James W. Morris, Willy Bland, Lena Hand and Josie King Jeffries.
    Those present were Mrs. Della Sullivan and son of Pampa, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, of Cleveland, Ohio; Melba Myers and Mrs. Ernestine Smith, of Rushville; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones and Mrs. Fannie Hiday, Greenfield; Mr. and Mrs. Claude King and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morton King and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patrick and daughter of Indianapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Veryl Hoffman and Mrs. Ida Hoffman, of Whiteland, Mr. and Mrs. Redgiel Sullivan and daughter and Ben King of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Neiland Tatem, Greensburg; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fall, Letts; and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sweaney and son, Sardinia; Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Schuck and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hough and Mrs. Loyd Moore and daughters of North Vernon; Mrs. Mamie Klein, Kenneth Klein, Mrs. Geneva Bebout of Connersville; Mrs. Lizzie Thompson of Clayton; Mrs. Clarence Lauber, of Holton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, and daughter of Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sullivan, C. M. Silver, Mrs. and Mrs. Julius Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Schlottman and Miss Nellie Johnson of Butlerville; F. L. Bland, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Buck son and daughter, Mrs. Ethel Morris, Mrs. Jane Morris and son, Walter Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, Mrs. Eva Grinstead and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Custer, Mrs. Margaret M. Jordan, Smith Morris, H. A. Thicksten and William Ashley all of Dupont.

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